Day 1) What are some of the dangers people in the 19th century faced when they traveled?  Many of these
dangers were not different from the dangers faced by Samson (a lion),  David (a lion and a bear), and the man in
the story of the Good Samaritan (robbers.)  When we are in danger, what can we do?

Day 2) God created the horse and all other animals. Read this beautiful passage about horses from the book of

Do you think God loves horses?  

The horse in this passage is often called the "laughing horse," because in the King James Version of the Bible the
verse says (metaphorically speaking) that the horse says "Ha! Ha!".  

Job 39: 19-25

Day 3) In the Bible, horses were often used for war. Horses and chariots were "high tech" weapons of war. Today,
our high-tech weapons are missiles and nuclear subs.  What did God tell the Hebrew people about putting their
trust in human rulers and weapons of war?  Psalm 20:7

Day 4)  What kind of animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?  Why did he choose a donkey?  What does this tell us
about Jesus' personality?

Day 5) 8) God told the Jewish people not to harness two different types of animals together (like an ox and a
donkey) for work.  Deut. 22:10

Similarly, God tells us as Christians not to be "yoked" together with unbelievers. 2 Cor. 6:14   What does this

Day 6) The Bible says that we put bits in horses' mouths to control them, but no one can control the human  
tongue.  What does this mean?

James 3:3-12

Day 7) Oxen were important animals in Bible times because they were often used for heavy plowing. God allows
man to use animals, but he wants us to treat them well. Jesus remarked that if a man's ox fell into a pit or ditch, the
man "worked"  on the Sabbath to pull it  out. God also told the people to not muzzle (put something on the ox's
mouth) while it was working in a grain field. The ox must be allowed to eat a bit of the grain as it worked.

Luke 14:5
Deut. 25:4